
作者: 百科知己
浏览次数: 616



Musk is a great manufacturer who has always been devoted to the development of cutting edge science. When he was young he made up his mind to set up a company specializing in AI. His efforts were paid off and the company dominated the field for a long time. After that he put himself into the exploration in space.


Should graduate students start their own bussiness or look for jobs?I think it is a good choice for college students to start their own business .There are mainly two reasons for this.On one hand,college students are facing severe employment situations. Many college graduates couldn't find ideal jobs,. on the other hand ,college students can develop and prove their talents by running their own businesses.

To sum up,After graduating from college, facing great pressure to find a job, it is a good choice for college students to start their own business .


创业者:Entrepreneur 创业:Entrepreneurship, Venture 创业项目:Start-up


Here are four keys to tell us how to become a better reader: listen first, speak first, read first and write first. We can speak with various languages. Secondly, we can improve our conversation ability.

We can try to listen to English grammar to improve our English listening ability. This method can also improve our pronunciation. Third, we can often read some classics Famous works such as this book, when we read, we can learn some new knowledge and new words and words.

If you encounter new words and new words, we can identify them by looking up a dictionary. Fourth, we can practice our writing and record everything you know with notes. This is to improve our ability to avoid writing and improve our piano keys Calligraphy level


KAB,英文全称是Know About Business,意思是“了解企业”,目前已经在全球20多个国家实施,是国际劳工组织为培养大学生的创业意识和创业能力而专门开发的新项目。为引进KAB,全国青联与国际劳工组织从去年1月就开始磋商,并在去年12月份完成了《大学生KAB创业基础》教材的翻译与改编。 大学生创业教育项目(英文简称KAB项目)是国际劳工组织为培养大学生的创业意识和创业能力而专门开发的新项目,以在校大学生为主要对象,通过教授有关企业和创业的基本知识,帮助大学生树立企业家精神。





本文来源: https://www.baikezj.com/a/66c7e57d637045268c013171.html
