
作者: 百科知己
浏览次数: 640



Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world.He is famous for his software for personal computers.

Bill was born on October 28,1955,in Seattle in the USA.His father,William Gates,was a lawyer,while his mother ,Mary Gates,was a teacher.

Bill Gates began his career in PC software at the age of 13.In 1973,he went to Harvard University,and there he developed the programming language BASIC.In 1975,he left Harvard and opened his own company Microsoft with his friend.He believed that PC are useful in the office and in every family.and he was successful at last.

Bill Gates married Melinda in 1994,and now he has two children.He likes playing golf and bridge.



例如西藏日喀则仁布县仁布村农民群培次仁,凭借父辈传下来的木匠手艺白手起家,在22年间创造出亿万财富,成为中国改革开放以来西藏发生的众多奇迹之一。在日喀则,提起仁布县达热瓦建设工程有限责任公司几乎是无人不晓。他凭借父辈传下来的木匠手艺四处打工,在与汉族施工人员的合作中,他学会了房屋建筑的基本技能。 “政策、机遇、勤劳和智慧,是我从贫困走向富裕的根本原因。”群培次仁在简陋的办公室里谈到创业史时说。





Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after year. After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all, disappointed.

  With more graduates and less job vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they graduate from university. They may start take up anything they are interested in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this way, graduates will become more independent, imaginative and creative.

  Yet this process should be supported by our government. The government should provide special policies for these students, and when necessary, guide them onto a correct road.


Musk is a great manufacturer who has always been devoted to the development of cutting edge science. When he was young he made up his mind to set up a company specializing in AI. His efforts were paid off and the company dominated the field for a long time. After that he put himself into the exploration in space.




本文来源: https://www.baikezj.com/a/649102fba353bbcc080c3aab.html
